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Corporal 28912, King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment) 8th Bn.
died 27/09/1918, aged 26.
Son of James William and Florence Ellen Lamb, of 91, Moscow Drive, Stoneycroft, Liverpool.
Remembered at Lowrie Cemetery, Havrincourt, France.
Houghton was born and enlisted in Liverpool.
Killed in action France and Flanders.
1911 Census. 91 Moscow Drive, Liverpool.
James William (father) 44, Cotton Salesman, born Martley, Worcestershire, Florence (mother) 50, born Liverpool (married 21 years) Children Dorothy Emily 20, Assist In House Work, Houghton Fielding 18, Apprentice In Cotton Trade, Florence Ellen 17, Apprentice In Costumier Trade, Norman William 15, Apprentice To The Oil Trade, Dudley 8. All children born in Liverpool.
1901 Census. 14 Marlborough Road, Liverpool.
James (father) 34, Cotton Salesman, born Worcestershire, Florence (mother) 38, born Liverpool. Children Dorothy 10, Florence 7, Houghton 8, Norman 5. All children born in Liverpool. Also listed Mary Fielden 66 (mother of Florence, Grandmother of children) widowed, born Liverpool.

Lowrie Cemetery, Havrincourt, France
Photograph Courtesy of Pierre Vandervelden



Rifleman 268198, The King's (Liverpool Regiment) "A" Coy. 1st/5th Bn.
died 09/04/1918, aged 34.
Husband of Margaret Lee, of 12, Palladio Rd., Stoneycroft, Liverpool.
Remembered at Loos Memorial, France.
Percy was born in Birkenhead, Cheshire. Enlisted and resided in Liverpool.
Killed in action France and Flanders.


Loos Memorial, France
Photograph Courtesy of Pierre Vandervelden



Private 56298, The King's (Liverpool Regiment) 18th (Lancashire Hussars) Bn.
died 10/10/1918, aged 21.
Son of Edward William H. and Elizabeth Lock, of 11, Doric Rd., Stoneycroft, Liverpool.
Remembered at Le Cateau Military Cemetery, France.
William was born and resided in Liverpool. Enlisted at Seaforth.
Killed in action France and Flanders.
1911 Census. 72 Fell St Kensington, Liverpool.
Edward William Henry (father) 42, Stock And Share Brokers Clerk, Widowed, born Bristol. Children William Leonard 14, Leslie Pennington 11, Elizabeth 9, Joseph Edward 6. All children born in Liverpool.
1901 Census. 22 Haseman Street, Liverpool.
Edward (father) 33, Stockbrokers Clerk, born Bristol, Gloucestershire, Elizabeth (mother) 32, born Liverpool. Children Leonard 4, Leslie 1. Children born in Liverpool. Also listed Joseph Guest 57 (father of Elizabeth, Grandfather of children) Customs Officer, born Hellaby, Yorkshire, Elizabeth Guest 59 (mother of Elizabeth, Grandmother of Children) born Moulton, Yorkshire. Mary McAllis 30 (sister of Elizabeth, Aunt to children) born Liverpool, and her husband Charles McAllis 31, Manager of Bread Shop, born Bebington, Cheshire.

Le Cateau Military Cemetery, France.

German headstones
Photographs Courtesy of Pierre Vandervelden



Gunner 106033, Royal Garrison Artillery, 1st Siege Bty.
died 19/09/1918.
Remembered at Varennes Military Cemetery, France.
Samuel was born and enlisted in Liverpool.
Died of wounds France and Flanders.
1901 Census. 5 Nursery Lane, Liverpool.
Wallis (father) 66, Building Employer, born Scotland, Jane (mother) 47, born Liverpool. Children Harry 17, Apprentice Builder, Horatio 15, Apprentice Joiner, Samuel 13, Ann 12. All children born in Liverpool.
1891 Census. Dairy House, Nantwich, Cheshire.
Visiting a family called Farthurch. Jane (mother) 38, married, born Liverpool. Children Samuel G 3, Anna E 2. Children born in Liverpool.
1891 Census. 5 Nursery Lane, Liverpool.
Walter (not Wallis) 56, Master Butcher, married, born Scotland. Children Celelia E 21, Ida J 19, Walter S S 13, Harry 7, Horatio 5. All children born in Liverpool.

Varennes Military Cemetery, France.

Varennes Military Cemetery, France, about 1920
Photographs Courtesy of Pierre Vandervelden

The service records have survived for Samuel. He enlisted at Liverpool on 8th December 1915, giving his age as 28 years and six months, occupation as a Clerk, and address as 38 Inigo Road, Stoneycroft, Liverpool. He is 5 feet 6 inches tall, weighs 130 pounds, with a chest measurement of 35 1/2 inches. Samuel has flat feet and a scar on his upper arm. His next of kin is listed as his wife Alice. Her maiden name was maiden name was Wardle and she married Samuel in Aston, Cheshire on 1st September 1915.

Samuel's Signature On His Enlistment Papers





Lance Corporal 27, Australian Infantry, A.I.F. 16th Bn.
died 02/05/1915, aged 23.
Son of John M. and Annie Elizabeth Menzies, of 125, Moscow Drive, Liverpool, England.
Remembered at Lone Pine Memorial, Turkey.
David is the brother of John listed below.
1911 Census. 17 Moscow Drive, Stoneycroft, Liverpool.
John M (father) 49, Assistant Inspector Of Postman, born Liverpool, Annie E (mother) 40, born Cheshire, Birkenhead (married 19 years) Children David 18, Junior Clerk, Marjorie 16, Student, John H 15, Ida M 7. All children born in Liverpool.
1901 Census. 23 Edith Road, Liverpool.
John Mck (father) 39, assistant inspector of Postmen, born Liverpool, Annie E (mother) 30, born Birkenhead, Cheshire. David 8, Majory 6, John H 5, Beartrice 2. All children born in Liverpool.

Lone Pine Memorial, Turkey
Photograph Courtesy of WW1cemeteries.com

The service records for David are available. He enlisted on 10th September 1914, and signed for service on 13th October 1914 at Helena Vale, Western Australia, giving his age as 21 years and 9 months, Occupation as a Bushman, and next of kin as his father John of 125 Moscow Drive, Liverpool, England.He is 5 feet 7 inches tall, weighs 133 pounds, with a chest measurement of 33 1/2 inches. His complexion is dark Ruddy, eyes Brown, and hair Black.

David's Signature On His Enlistment Papers

David left for Gallipoli, Turkey on 12th April 1915. On arrival in Gallipoli he is admitted to hospital with Paraphimosis, and is moved to the Number 1 Station hospital on the Greek island of Lemnos on 18th April 1915, where a circumcision is perfomed. He is discharged on 24th April 1915 and rejoins his regiment on 27th April 1915. Within days he is in action and sadly on 2nd May 1915 David is killed during the fighting.

David's father John sent this letter asking about details of his son. It is stamped November 1915.

Army Telegram Dated October 1915. So David's father had sent his letter earlier than November.

Army letter trying to discover where to send David's personal effects. Dated 1917.

June 1918 and this receipt shows that David's personal effects finally make it back to his father John in Liverpool.

David's Medals. 1914/15 Star. British War Medal And The Victory Medal.



Sub-Lieutenant, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, Hood Bn. R.N. Div.
21/08/1918, aged 23.
Son of John M. and Annie E. Menzies, of 125, Moscow Drive, Liverpool.
Remembered at Vis-En-Artois Memorial, France.
John is the Brother of David listed above
1911 Census. 17 Moscow Drive, Stoneycroft, Liverpool.
John M (father) 49, Assistant Inspector Of Postman, born Liverpool, Annie E (mother) 40, born Cheshire, Birkenhead (married 19 years) Children David 18, Junior Clerk, Marjorie 16, Student, John H 15, Ida M 7. All children born in Liverpool.
1901 Census. 23 Edith Road, Liverpool.
John Mck (father) 39, assistant inspector of Postmen, born Liverpool, Annie E (mother) 30, born Birkenhead, Cheshire. David 8, Majory 6, John H 5, Beartrice 2. All children born in Liverpool.
Enlisted 22/9/14 ; Howe Bn. B/295 3/11/14-6/1/17 to UK for Commission ; Commissioned Temporary Sub Lieutenant RNVR 26/6/17 ; Draft for BEF 17/11/17, joined Hood Bn. 22/11/17, detached to Course at 2nd Corps School 2/12/17, rejoined Hood Bn. 6/1/18-25/3/18 GSW Back, Invalided to UK 27/3/18 ; Draft for BEF 25/7/18, joined Hood Bn. 2/8/18-21/8/18 DD.
Enlisted as John Hicks Menzies, but RND Officers card & CWGC = John Menzies ; A Clerk ; b.20/7/1895 ; Next-of-Kin & home address: Parents, John & Annie, 125 Moscow Drive, Stoneycroft, Liverpool. Though J.H Menzies is the name listed on St Paul's memorial so Hicks is correct for middle name.

Vis-En-Artois Memorial, France
Photograph Courtesy of Pierre Vandervelden





Private 15/36627, The King's (Liverpool Regiment) 13th Bn.
died 11/11/1916, aged 31.
Son of Michael and Bridget O'Brien, of 4, Summer Square, Black Horse Lane, Knotty Ash, Liverpool.
Remembered at Couin British Cemetery, France.
Matthew was born, enlisted and resided in Liverpool.
died of wounds France and Flanders.
1911 Census. 24 Wilton Grove, Old Swan, Liverpool.
Bridget (mother) 63, Ropemakers Labourer, Widowed, born Manchester?. Child Matthew 24, Fellmongers Labourer, born Liverpool. Also listed Mary Lanigan 59, (sister of Bridget, Aunt of Matthew) Charwoman, born Manchester.
1901 Census. 27 Hurst Street, Old Swan, Liverpool.
Bridget (mother) 52, widowed born Liverpool. Child Matthew 14, Ropemaker, born Liverpool. Living with Matthews sister Margaret Guy 29, her husband John Guy 34, born Ireland, and their 3 children Michael 7, John J 4, Catherine 1. All born in Liverpool apart from John Guy.
1891 Census. 16 Leigh Street, Liverpool.
Michael (father) 45, Cooper, born Ireland, Bridget 43, born Manchester General. Children Michael 16, Ropemaker, Ann 13, Ropemaker, William 10. Matthew 4. All children born in Liverpool.

Couin British Cemetery, France
Photograph Courtesy of Pierre Vandervelden





Private 34815, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, 2nd Bn.
died 02/12/1917, aged 27.
Son of Mrs. Osborne, of 9, Alton Place, Bright St., Hull; husband of Mary Osborne, of 70, Laurel Rd., Edge Lane, Liverpool.
Remembered at Tyne Cot Memorial, Belgium.
Edward enlisted at Hull.
Killed in action France and Flanders.
Formerly 4089, East Yorkshire Regiment.


Tyne Cot Memorial, Belgium
Photographs Courtesy of Pierre Vandervelden





Second Lieutenant, 2nd Dragoon Guards (Queen's Bays)
died 03/06/1918, aged 27.
Son of George G. and Margaret Parkinson, of 16, Woodgreen Rd., Stoneycroft, Liverpool.
Remembered at Liverpool ( Anfield ) Cemetery, England.
Alfred is the brother of Harry listed below.
1911 Census. 24 Georges Road, Liverpool.
George Grimshaw (father) 56, Cabinet Maker, born Liverpool, Margaret (mother) 53, born Hull, Yorkshire (married 33 years) Children Margaret Godbert 29, Ellen Elizabeth 27, Upholstress, Emeline 22, Telephone Operator, Alfred Louis 20, Upholsteress Apprentrice, Harry 18, House Painters Apprentice, Florence Mary 17, Pastry Confectioner, Lena 15, Upholstress Apprentice, Walter 13, Ernest 11. All children born in Liverpool.
1901 Census. 20 Berwick Street, Liverpool.
George (father) 46, Cabinet Maker, born Liverpool, Margaret 43, born Hull, Yorkshire. Children Frederick 22, Apprentice Seas Pilot, George 21, French Polisher, Margaret 19, Ellen 17, Upholstress, William 15, Apprentice Cabinet Maker, Emeline 12, Alfred 10, Harry 8, Florence 7, Lena 5, Walter 3, Ernest 1. All children born in Liverpool.


Lance Corporal 28062, Cheshire Regiment, 1st Bn.
died 23/06/1918, aged 25.
Son of George and Margaret Parkinson, of Liverpool.
Remembered at Tannay British Cemetery, Thiennes, France.
Harry was born and enlisted in Liverpool.
Killed in action France and Flanders.
Formerly 74884, Royal Field Artillery.
Harry is the brother of Alfred listed above.
1911 Census. 24 Georges Road, Liverpool.
George Grimshaw (father) 56, Cabinet Maker, born Liverpool, Margaret (mother) 53, born Hull, Yorkshire ( married 33 years ) Children Margaret Godbert 29, Ellen Elizabeth 27, Upholstress, Emeline 22, Telephone Operator, Alfred Louis 20, Upholsteress Apprentrice, Harry 18, House Painters Apprentice, Florence Mary 17, Pastry Confectioner, Lena 15, Upholstress Apprentice, Walter 13, Ernest 11. All children born in Liverpool.
1901 Census. 20 Berwick Street, Liverpool.
George (father) 46, Cabinet Maker, born Liverpool, Margaret 43, born Hull, Yorkshire. Children Frederick 22, Apprentice Seas Pilot, George 21, French Polisher, Margaret 19, Ellen 17, Upholstress, William 15, Apprentice Cabinet Maker, Emeline 12, Alfred 10, Harry 8, Florence 7, Lena 5, Walter 3, Ernest 1. All children born in Liverpool.

Tannay British Cemetery, Thiennes, France
Photograph Courtesy of Pierre Vandervelden

The service records for Harry have survived. He enlisted at Liverpool on 3rd January 1915, giving his age as 22 years, occupation as a Painter, and address as 24 George's Road, West Derby Road, Liverpool. His next of kin is listed as his father George. He states he has served before with the terratorial RGA East Lancashires.

Harry's signature on his enlistment papers

A 1920 Army document list Harry's family members at that time. His parents George and Margaret are living at 16 Woodgreen Road, Liverpool along with his brothers Walter 22, ernest 20, and sisters Margaret 38, Florence 26 and Lena 24.
Three other brothers are listed. Frederick 42 of Wardale Road, Liverpool, George 40 of 47 Penny Lane, Liverpool, and William 34 of Hoylake, Cheshire. Two more sisters are also listed, Elizabeth Hall 36 of 62 Fitzgerald Road, Liverpool, and Emiline Thomas 32 of Liverpool.
Harry trained in the UK before leaving for France on 20th January 1916, joining up with his regiment on 24th January. He is involved in action when he is wounded on 27th July 1916. He suffers Shell Shock and admitted to a Army hospital. on 6th August 1916 he is discharged from hospital in Boulonge to a base camp. Then on 22nd August 1916 Harry joins the 1st Battalion of the Cheshire Regiment as a Private. He is appointed unpaid Lance Corporal on 26th May 1917, then paid Lance Corporal on 8th July 1917. Harry is then granted leave between 12th to 22nd July 1917. He returns to the war, and Sadly he is killed in action on 23rd June 1918, just 20 days after his brother Alfred ( listed above ) had passed away.

Property Items Of Harry's That Where Returned To His Parents

Receipt For Harry's Medals Signed By His Father George



Driver 25930, Royal Field Artillery, 117th Bty. 26th Bde.
died 08/08/1917, aged 33.
Son of Mrs. Anne Parry, of 75, Wharncliffe Rd., Old Swan, Liverpool, and the late Owen Parry.
Remembered at Voormezeele enclosure Number 1 and Number 2, Belgium.
David was born and enlisted in Liverpool.
Killed in action France and Flanders.
1911 Census. 49 Ronald St, Stanley, Liverpool.
Anne (mother) 53, Widowed, born Llanddewi, Denbighshire, Wales. Children William 28, Joiner, born Seaforth, David Own 26, Jobber, born Seaforth, Stella Jane 14, born Liverpool.
1901 Census. 9 Birch Terrace, Everton, Liverpool.
Owen R (father) 44, Building Merchant, born Carnarvon Wales, Anne (mother) 42, born Denbigh, Wales. Children William 18, Joiner, David O 16, Apprentice Blacksmith, Stella J 4. All children born in Liverpool.
1891 Census. 74 Glawdys Street, Walton, Liverpool.
Owen (father) 37, Builder, born Carnarvon, Wales, Anne (mother) 34, born Denbigh, Wales. Children William 8, David O 5, Mary 2. All children born in Liverpool.

Voormezeele enclosure Number 1, Belgium

Voormezeele enclosure Number 2, Belgium
Photographs Courtesy of Pierre Vandervelden



Private 4744, 3rd (King's Own) Hussars. Secondary Regiment: Labour Corps, transf. to (229265) 668th Coy.
died 02/12/1918, aged 34.
Son of John and Alice Powell, of Liverpool; husband of Elizabeth A. Powell, of 3, Fernleigh Rd., Old Swan, Liverpool.
Remembered at Liverpool ( West Derby ) Cemetery, England.
The service records have survived for Thomas. He enlisted with the 7th Hussars Horse of the line regiment on 26th May 1902 at Gosport, service number 6616. He gives his age as 18 years and 3 months, birthplace as Everton, Liverpool and occupation as a Clerk. He is 5 feet 4 3/4 inches tall, weighs 115 pounds with a chest measurement of 32 inches. His complexion is fresh, eyes Blue and Hair Browm. Thomas states that he has served before as a Domestic with the Royal Navy.

Signature Of Thomas On His Enlistment Papers

Not much is recorded of Thomas's Pre war service. In August 1910 he applies to his regiment to go to Sea. No outcome is mentioned, but on 26th August 1910 he is granted 1 years leave. Then on 24th November 1913 he writes the letter below and signs himself up for 4 years and the Army reserve list.

Thomas would have been called back up and ready for duty at the start of WW1. He joins the 3rd Hussars as Private 4744, and arrives in Rouen, France on 17th August 1914. He takes part in the early fighting before being wounded and returned to the UK on 22nd November 1914 where he is transfered to the Royal Infirmary in Glasgow, Scotland. The Army must have feared for Thomas's life as they sent the news to his wife Elizabeth at 3 Fernleigh Road, Liverpool telling her to obtain a Railway warrent so she could visit him in Glasgow. When she applied the Army office refused her a pass saying Thomas was not unwell. However a Telegram (shown below) dated 1st December 1914 states that the railway pass should be sanctioned as Thomas is dangerously ill.

The telegram stating that Thomas is dangerously ill

Thomas is discharged from hospital in Glasgow on 26th December 1914 and told to report to the York depot on 9th January 1915. Nothing more is listed on his Army service in the records, nothing to tell us where he went or fought. There is a note that he has a son born on 14th June 1917.
A Telegram dated April 1917 (shown below) notes that Thomas is seriously ill in Portobello Barracks, Dublin, Ireland, and that a wire should be sent to his next of kin.

Telegram mentioning that Thomas is seriously ill in Dublin

On 13th July 1918 Thomas is transfered to The Labour Corps, then on 22nd September 1918 he appears before a invaliding boar at Belfast War Hospital in Ireland with a view to discharging him from service. Thomas is discharged on 15th October 1915 and awarded 9d per week for life in addition to any pension recieved. The board had found him unfit for duty due to General Paralysis of the Insane. On his dischared he was taken to Rainhill Asylum close to Liverpool.

Details Of Thomas's discharge and transfer to Rainhill

Nothing more is listed for Thomas apart from a letter dated 21st November 1918 from the Labour Corps asking for details on his condition. Sadly on the 2nd December 1918 Thomas passed away.
We can only assume what caused Thomas's condition, was it illness or the horrors that he witnessed at war.




Private 202603, Royal Welsh Fusiliers, 4th Bn.
died 23/03/1918, aged 36.
Brother of Miss Margaret Ellen Phythian, of 19, Inigo Rd., Stoneycroft, Liverpool.
Remembered at Arras Memorial, France.
Formerly 1672, Denbighshire Yeomanry.
Joseph was resided in Liverpool and enlisted at Wrexham.
Killed in action France and Flanders.
Joseph is the brother of Robert listed below.
1911 Census. 1 Worcester Drive, Clubmoor, Liverpool.
Margaret Ellen (mother) 61, Widowed, born Liverpool. Children Gertrude Annie 30, Tailoress Maker, Joseph Archibald 28, Jeweller Shop Assistant, Charles Frederick 23, Market Gardener, George Stanley 21, Draper Shop Assistant, Robert Stanley 21, Milliner Shop Assistant (twins) Margaret Ellen 18. All children born in Liverpool.


Arras Memorial, France
Photographs Courtesy of Pierre Vandervelden



Private 19179, Leicestershire Regiment, 2nd Bn.
died 25/09/1915, aged 26.
Brother of Miss M. E. Phythian, of 19, Inigo Rd., Stoneycroft, Liverpool.
Remembered at Loos Memorial, France.
Formerly 10316, Dragoons.
Robert was born and enlisted in Liverpool.
Killed in action France and Flanders.
Robert is the brother of Joseph listed above.
1911 Census. 1 Worcester Drive, Clubmoor, Liverpool.
Margaret Ellen (mother) 61, Widowed, born Liverpool. Children Gertrude Annie 30, Tailoress Maker, Joseph Archibald 28, Jeweller Shop Assistant, Charles Frederick 23, Market Gardener, George Stanley 21, Draper Shop Assistant, Robert Stanley 21, Milliner Shop Assistant (twins) Margaret Ellen 18. All children born in Liverpool.


Loos Memorial, France
Photograph Courtesy of Pierre Vandervelden