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Sergeant 15781, The King's (Liverpool Regiment) 17th Bn.
died 14/10/1916, aged 24.
Son of Robert and Elizabeth Grace Alderson, of 52, Moscow Drive, Stoneycroft, Liverpool.
Remembered at Heilly Station Cemetery, Mericourt-L'Abbe, France.
Robert was born, enlisted and resided in Liverpool.
Died of wounds France and Flanders.
1911 Census. 52a Moscow Dr, Liverpool.
Robert (father) 47, Collector Of Gas, Leeds Gas Co, Elizabeth Grace (mother) 46 (married 20 years). Children Robert Harold 18, Clerk Gas Co, Frank Charles 15, Clerk Solicitor's Office. All born in Liverpool.

Heilly Station Cemetery, Mericourt-L'Abbe, France
Photograph Courtesy of Pierre Vandervelden



Lance Corporal 20342, King's Own Scottish Borderers, 6th Bn.
died 14/07/1916, aged about 21.
Remembered at Thiepval Memorial, France.
Claude was Born, enlisted and resided in Liverpool.
Killed in action France and Flanders.
1911 Census. 104 Sutton St, Tuebrook, Liverpool.
John (father) 59, Artist - Landscape Painter, born Dumfries in Thornhill, Scotland, Emily (mother) 52, born Yverson, Switzerland (married 22 years) Children Winifred 20, Clerk Circular Addresing Office, Claude 16, Clerk Fruit Broker. Children born in Liverpool.

Thiepval Memorial, France
Photograph Courtesy of WW1cemeteries.com



Private 47392, The King's (Liverpool Regiment) 4th Bn.
died 11/04/1918, aged 38.
Husband of Kathleen Mabel Aspinall, of 9, 4th Avenue, Prescot Rd., Knotty Ash, Liverpool.
Remembered at Lapugnoy Military Cemetery, France.
David was born in Preston, enlisted at Seaforth and resided in Liverpool.
Killed in action France and Flanders.
David March 31, Gardener, born Preston, Kathleen Mabel 26, born Woodeaton Mannor, Staffordshire ( married 2 years ) Child Kathleen Marjory 10 months, born Liverpool.
1901 Census. 78 Thornycroft Road, Wavertree, Liverpool.David is living as a boarder at this address with a family named Cook. He is listed as aged 21, born Preston, and a Gardener by trade.

Lapugnoy Military Cemetery, France
Photograph Courtesy of Pierre Vandervelden



Corporal 74193, Royal Field Artillery, "B" Bty. 110th Bde.
died 30/07/1916.
Remembered at Albert Communal Cemetery Extension, France.
Leonard Enlisted at Seaforth and resided in Stoneycroft.
Killed in action France and Flanders.

Albert Communal Cemetery Extension, France

Albert Communal Cemetery Extension, France in 1920s
Photograph Courtesy of Pierre Vandervelden







Private 62813, Cheshire Regiment, 1st Bn.
died 26/06/1918, aged 26.
Son of Thomas and the late Florence Buck, of Old Swan, Liverpool; husband of Cecilia Buck, of 79, Woodhall Road, Old Swan, Liverpool.
Remembered at Tannay British Cemetery, Thiennes, France.
Edmond was born and enlisted in Liverpool.
Killed in action France and Flanders.
1901 Census. 31 Channel Road, Liverpool.
Thomas (father) 35, married. (Occupation impossible to read on census) born Navbiggin, Westmoreland. Children Gertrude F 13, Edgar B 9. Both born in Liverpool. Also listed Isabella Banks (cousin to Thomas, Aunt to children) 28, born Yorkshire. Children of Isabella, Norman Banks 2, Gladys Banks 1, Mabel Banks 8 months. Children born in Liverpool.

Tannay British Cemetery, Thiennes, France
Photograph Courtesy of Pierre Vandervelden

The service records for Edward have survived. He enlisted at Liverpool on 6th December 1915, giving his age as 23 years and 8 months, occupation as a Tram Driver, and address as 3 Albany Road, Old Swan, Liverpool. He states he has served before with the 4th West Lancashire, Howitzer regiment. Edward is 5 feet 11 inches tall, weighs 135 pounds, and has a good physical development. He has a large scar 4 inches above his left ankle and a mark to the left of his nose. He also has two Hammer toes, though not considered suffucient for service rejection.

Edward's Signature On His Enlistment Papers

His next of kin is listed as his wife Cecelia of 3 Albany Road. Two later addresses are given as 56 Southgate Road, Liverpool, and 79 Woodhall Road, Old Swan, Liverpool. Edward married Cecelia Reynolds on 23rd April 1911 in Old Swan, Liverpool. A 1920 Army pension document list Edward's children as Cecelia born 29th May 1912, and Kenneth born 7th April 1914. It also list his father as Thomas, his mother as deceased, and a sister Gertrude aged 32.
Edward is placed on the Army reserve list, and on 26th April 1917 he is mobilized and posted three days later to the Cheshire regiment. He trains with them in the UK before leaving for France on 9th October 1917. He serves in Europe until 15th November 1917 when he is taken to a Army hospital suffering from Bronchitis. It is serious enough for the Army to send him back to the UK on 27th November 1917, where two days later he is admitted to General hospital in Nottingham.
A hospital report notes on admission Edward was short of breath with pain and tightness in chest. His chest was full of mucous that was slow in clearing up. Another report from the hospital dated 28th January 1918 notes that his illness was followed by a sharp attack of follicular tonsillitis. T.B had been tested for in the sputum but was not found.
Edward leaves hospital and is posted to the Cheshire regiment depot on 13th March 1918. On 25th April 1918 he is fined 5 days pay for being absent. He returns to France on 24th May 1918 and rejoins his regiment. Sadly just weeks later on 26th June 1918 Edward is killed in action.

Pension Details For Cecelia And The Two Children



Private 46505, South Lancashire Regiment (Prince of Wales Volunteers)
died 02/06/18, aged 30.
Son of Philip and Elizabeth D'Arcy of Old Swan, Liverpool; husband of Ena D Arcy, of 8, Bowley Rd., Stoneycroft, Liverpool.
Remembered at Hermonville Military Cemetery, France.
William was born and enlisted in Liverpool.
Killed in action France and Flanders.
Formerly 4748, D.L.O Yeomanry.
1911 Census. 15 Rock, St Old Swan, Liverpool.
Philip (father) 68, Casual Labourer, born Oldcastle, Co Meath, Ireland, Elizabeth (mother) 69, born Woolton, Liverpool (married 48 years) Children Agnes 35, Philip A 33, Bricklayer Builders, Robert 27, Bricklayer Builders, William 23, Casual Labourer. All children born in Liverpool.
1901 Census. 15 Rock Street, Stoneycroft, Liverpool.
Philip (father) 57, Bricklayer's Labourer, born Ireland, Elizabeth (mother) 59, born Woolton, Liverpool. Children Agnes 25, Philip 23, Bricklayer, Alice 20, Thomas 19 Telegraph Messanger, Robert 16, apprentice Bricklayer, William 12. All children born in Liverpool.
1881 Census. 41 Rockmount North, Old Swan, Liverpool.
Philip (father) 47, Bricklayer, born Ireland, Elizabeth (mother) 48, born Woolton, Liverpool. Children Martha 20, General Servant, Agnes 15, Mothers help, Philip 13, Office Boy, Francis 12, Office Boy, Alice 10, Thomas 9, Robert H 6, William C 2. All children born in Old Swan, Liverpool.

Hermonville Military Cemetery, France
Photograph Courtesy of Pierre Vandervelden





Lieutenant, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, H.M.S. Research.
died 21/02/1919, aged about 36.
Remembered at Liverpool (West Derby) Cemetery, England.
Urham is listed on the memorial as T.M Eckett. So it is probable that he used his middle name of Thomas. Naval records list his first name as Urbain, the same as the 1891 census.
1911 Census. 38 Tynwald Hill, Liverpool.
Margaret (mother) 63, Widowed. Children Edith Maria 29, John Charles 26, Timber Clerk, Charlotte Julia 23, Elementary School Teacher, Hardwin Sidney 21, Clerk, Pauline Grace 19, Typist. All born in Liverpool. Urham Thomas is not living here in 1911.
1901 Census. 38 Tynwald Hill, Stoneycroft, Liverpool.
Thomas M (father) 55, Fishmonger, born Arborfield, Berkshire, Margaret (mother) 53, born Liverpool. Children Edith M 20, Urham T M 18, Fishmonger, Charles J 13, Hardman S 11, Pauline G 9. All children born in Liverpool.
1891 Census. 59 Everton Brow, Everton, Liverpool.
Thomas M (father) 45, Fishmonger, born Arborfield, Berkshire, Margaret (mother) 43, born Liverpool. Children Margret G Tonng 18 (daughter of Margeret, Step Daughter of Thomas) Edith M 10, Urbain T M 8, John C 6, Hardman S 1. All children born in Liverpool.


Sapper WR/296254, Royal Engineers, 19th Railway Operating Coy.
died 15/09/1918, aged 27.
Husband of Alice R Emson, of 8, Stoneville Rd., Stoneycroft, Liverpool.
Remembered at Mikra British Cemetery, Kalamaria, Greece.
Arthur was born Harlebury, wocestershire, and enlisted at Kidderminster Worcestershire.
Died Salonika.
1901 Census. Station House, London Lane, Ascot.
Arthur R (father) 36, Railway Station Master, born Leigh, Worcestershire, Rosa (mother) 31, born Leigh Worcestershire. Children Gwendoline M 11, Arthur C 10, Gladys R 7. All children born in Harlebury, Worcestershire.




Second Engineer, Mercantile Marine, S.S. "Trinidad" (London)
died 22/03/1918, aged 43.
Son of the late John Murray Fleming and Alice Sarah Fleming; husband of Evelyn Gordon Fleming (nee Stewart), of 10, Wood Green Rd., Stoneycroft, Liverpool. Born at Liverpool.
Remembered at Tower Hill Memorial, England.
1901 Census. 47 Cranborne Road, Wavertree, Liverpool.
John M (father) 58, Marine Engineer, born St Georges, London, Alice S (mother) 57, born St Mary's, Lambeth, London. Children Arthur 26, Marine Engineer, Frank 22, Engineer, Alfred 19, Apprentice. All children born in Liverpool.
1891 Census. 110 Belgrave Road, Aigburth, Liverpool.
Alice S L (mother) 47, Married, born London. Children Arthur 16, Engineer Apprentice, Alfred 9. Children born in Liverpool.
1881 Census. 7 Harlech Street, Walton, Liverpool.
Alice S L (mother) 36, Marine Enginners Wife, born Stepney, London. Children Jno M 15, Coppersmith Apprentice, born Stepney, London, Robert W 13, born Stepney, London, Arthur 6, born Bootle,Liverpool, Chas A 4, born Bootle, Liverpool, Frank 2, born Kirkdale, Liverpool.
A record dated 30th September 1909-13th November 1909 list Arthur serving as a Trimmer aboard the ship "CANADIAN" It states that this was also the previous ship that he served with.

Tower Hill Memorial, England
Photograph Courtesy of WW1cemeteries.com



Serjeant 21771, The King's (Liverpool Regiment) 19th Bn.
died 09/04/1917, aged 21.
Son of the late Daniel and Mary E. Fullerton, of Liverpool.
Remembered at Henin Crucifix Cemetery, France.
Thomas was born, enlisted and resided in Liverpool.
Killed in action France and Flanders.
1911 Census.19 Mallow Road, Molyneux Road, Liverpool.
Daniel (father) 56, Sailmaker, Mary Ellen (mother) 57 (married 35 years) Children Lilian 18, Thomas 15, Sailmaker Apprentice, Mabel 13, Doris 9. All born in Liverpool.
1901 Census. 62 Hombard Street, Liverpool.
Daniel (father) 46, Sailmaker, born Liverpool, Mary E (mother) 47, born St Helens. Children Jane L 21, Martha 19, Cigarette Maker, Elizabeth 17 Tabacco Machinest, John 15, Commercial Clerk, Lily 8, Thomas D 5, Mabel T 3. All children born in Liverpool.

Henin Crucifix Cemetery, France
Photograph Courtesy of Pierre Vandervelden

The service records for Thomas have survived. He enlisted at Liverpool on 14th November 1914, giving his age as 19 years and 5 months, occupation as a Sailmaker, and his next of kin as his father Daniel of 19 Mallow Road, Kinsington, Liverpool. He is 5 feet 5 1/2 inches tall, weighs 131 pounds, with a chest measurement of 36 1/2 inches. His complexion is fresh, eyes Brown, and hair Dark Brown.

Signature Of Thomas On His Enlistment Papers
A 1918 Army document list family members for Thomas. His parents are Daniel and Mary Ellen of 38 Portlet Road, Liverpool. Also at this address are three of his sisters Lily 26, Mabel 20, and Doris 17. Three doors down at 32 Portlet Road are his brother John 34, and sister Martha Thorpe 32. A sister Mary Ellen Thorpe 42 is living at 18 Gorsebury Road, Liverpool. A Sister Jane Lewis Knowles 40 of 13 Bective Street, Liverpool, and a Sister Elizabeth Walsh of Webster Road, Liverpool.
Thomas trains in the UK before leaving for France from Folkstone on 7th November 1915. On 19th March 1916 he is promoted to Corporal. Thomas is appointed acting Serjeant on 7th August 1916. He is given leave on 27th November 1916, returning to his regiment on 11th December 1916. Thomas was promoted to paid Serjeant on 31st December 1916. Sadly he was killed in action on 9th April 1917.

Army letter to Thomas's mother Mary Ellen listing his private property to be returned to her.


Private 4072, The King's (Liverpool Regiment) 1st/6th Bn.
died 24/09/1916.
Remembered at Thiepval Memorial, France.
Edgar was born London, enlisted and resided in Liverpool.
Killed in action France and Flanders.
1911 Census. 22 Guernsey Road, Liverpool.
Edgar William (father) 44, Manager Of Cabinet Works, born Hampshire, Southsea, Ellen (mother) 38, born Liverpool (married 15 years) Children Edgar Johnstone 20, Baker, born London, St Johns Wood, All other children born in Liverpool. John Edward 14, George Frederick 12, Henry Johnstone 10, Leslie James 9, Hector William 9 (twins)
1901 Census. 1 Rutland Street, Everton, Liverpool.
Edgar W (father) 34, Cabinet Maker, born Southsea Hampshire, Ellen (mother) 28, born Liverpool. Children Edgar J 10, born St John's Wood, London, John E 4, George F 2, Henry J 8 months. All children apart from Edgar born in Liverpool.

Thiepval Memorial, France
Photograph Courtesy of WW1cemeteries.com

The service records for Edgar have survived. He enlisted at Liverpool on 27th October 1915, giving his age as 22 years, occupation as a Porter, and his address as 9 Guernsey Road, Old Swan, Liverpool. He is 5 feet 3 1/2 inches tall, weighs 110 pounds, with a chest measurement of 35 inches. His physical development is good and it is noted that he has an enlarged joint on his left foot, though it is not serious enough to stop him serving.

Edgar's Signature On His Enlistment Papers

A 1919 Army document list his father as Edgar William of 9 Guernsey Road, his mother is listed as deceased. Also at the address are four brothers though no names are listed. Their ages are 17, 18, 20 and 22.
Edgar trains in the UK and is attested in Blackpool on 29th April 1916. You can see the list of kit items he was given on the form below

Edgar's kit items

On 1st May 1916 Edgar sails from Southampton for France, arriving in Rouen the following day. He is sent to the 55th Division base depot in Rouen, then on 13th May 1916 he leaves the base depot for the front line trenches. Sadly Edgar is Killed in action on 24th September 1916.

Army receipt signed by Edgars father for his personal items above and medals below.




First Mate, Mercantile Marine, S.S. "Zent" (Belfast)
died 05/04/1916, aged 34.
Son of John and Elizabeth Giles; husband of Catherine Mary Giles (nee Taylor), of 10, Montrose Rd., Clubmoor. Liverpool. Born at Liverpool.
Remembered at Tower Hill Memorial, England.
1901 Census. 118 Gregson Street, Liverpool.
John (father) 48, Cotton Porter, born Merionethshire, Wales, Elizabeth (mother) 44, born Liverpool. Children Henry H 19, Seaman, Blodwin 15, Margaret 12, Eleanor 10, Laura 8, Evan 3. All children born in Liverpool. Also listed Ellen Harrison 85. (mother of Elizabeth, Grandmother of children) widowed, born Carnarvon, Wales.
1891 Census. 10 Janet Street, Liverpool.
John (father) 38, Cotton Porter, born Merionethshire, Wales, Elizabeth (mother) 31, born Liverpool. Children Henry H 9, Blodwin 4, Margaret 2, Eleanor 1 month. All children born in Liverpool. Also listed Evan Giles 35 (brother of John, Uncle of children) Van Driver, born Merionethshire, Wales.
S.S ZENT on a voyage from Garston to Santa Marta, was torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine on April 5th, 1916, 28 miles W. by S.i-S. of Fastnet. The vessel was struck twice on the starboard side, the first torpedo tearing away part of her hull and the second exploding in the engine room, killing two engineers. The number on board was 58, of whom 49 lost their lives either by the explosion of the torpedoes or by the capsizing of the boats. The nine survivors included Capt. Martin, no other officer being saved. Great devotion to duty was exhibited by the wireless officer, Mr.Proughton, who remained at his post sending out S.O.S. calls and went down with the ship.


Rifleman 201657, The King's (Liverpool Regiment) 5th Bn.
died 19/10/1918, aged 28.
Son of Andrew and Minnie Hall, of 8, Moscow Drive, Stoneycroft, Liverpool.
Remembered at Liverpool (West Derby) Cemetery, England.
1911 Census. 13 Sandstone Road, Liverpool.
Andrew (father) 44, Property Owner And Margarine Sales Man, born Co Tyrone, Ireland, Minnie (mother) 41, born Liverpool (married 21 years) Children John Henry Andrew 20, Grocers Assistant, Robert Edward 19, Clerk At Gibbon's Iron Merchant, Edith 18, Mothers Help, Leslie Albert 15, Clerk In London N W Ry Co, Minnie May 12, Eric Alexandria 5, Grace 4, George Percival 2. All children born in Liverpool.
1901 Census. 89 Green Lane, Liverpool.
Andrew (father) 34, Grocer Shop Keeper, born Ireland, Minnie (mother) 31, born Liverpool. Children John H A 10, Robert E 9, Edith 8, Leslie 5, Minnie 2. All children born in Liverpool.
1891 Census. 87 Green Lane, Liverpool.
Andrew (father) 24, Grocer, born Dungannon, Ireland, Minnie (mother) 21, born Liverpool. Child Andrew 7 months, born Liverpool.(listed as Andrew, not John)


Captain The King's (Liverpool Regiment) 12th Bn.
died 20/11/1917, aged 27.
Son of H. Douglas Horsfall, of Mere Bank, Liverpool.
Remembered at Cambrai Memorial, Louverval, France.
Killed in action France and Flanders.

Robert Elcum Horsfall

1911 Census. Mere Bank, Croxteth Drive, Liverpool.
Howard Douglas (father) 55, Stock And Share Broker, born Liverpool, Emily Mabel (mother) 44, born Derbyshire, Duffield (married 23 years) Children Winifred Mabel 22, Gladys Mary 21, Robert Elesem 20, Brokers Clerk. All children born in Liverpool.
1891 Census. Mere Bank, Ullet Road, Liverpool.
Howard Douglas (father) 25, Stock and share broker agent, born Liverpool, Emily M (mother) 24, born Derby. Children Gladys M 1, Robert Elcum 5 months. Children born in Liverpool. Also listed Emily Horsfall (mother of Douglas, Grandmother of children) 67, widowed, born Liverpool.
Robert is the son of Howard Douglas Horsfall who built St Paul's church. His father also built St Faith's church in Crosby, and it was at that church that Robert as a young boy laid the foundation stone on 28 May 1898. Later after WW1 the church added a beautiful carved chancel screen in dedication to the memory of Captain Robert Elcum Horsfall.
More details on St Faith's website

The chancel screen in dedication to the memory of Robert

Cambrai Memorial, Louverval, France

photographs courtesy of Pierre Vandervelden

Liverpool Records Office holds a book titled " Liverpool's Scroll Of Fame " Robert is featured within this book and the following details are taken from it.
Robert was born 12th November 1890 at Mere Bank, Liverpool, and was educated at St Peter's court, Broadstairs, later spending 4 years at Eton where he was in Mt Impey's house. After an extended tour in Canada and the United States, he entered for a short tim the service of the Bank of Liverpool, where he took the Bankers preliminary and final examinations, passing in all subjects with distinction in two consecutive years.
He developed a taste for Archaeology, and paid several visits to Egypt, where his knowledge of Arabic materially assisted his studies. Both there and in Mesopotamia he was associated with Professor Garstang in exploring expeditions, being with him at Meroe when the famous head of Augustus, now in the British museum, was found.
Later he entered his name at King's College, Cambridge, a brilliant paper was produced by him in the entrance examination upon the history of Egyptian slavery from the earliest times procuring for him the unusual distintion of admission to the University without being required to complete the preliminary examintion.
While at the University he took up boxing, and luck was against him in not being one of the representatives against Oxford in 1914. In the trials he successfully fought what the Sportsman characterised as " a gruelling bout, in which the exchanges were fast and heavy " and half an hour later he was called upon to meet the eventual winner, Mr McNaught Davis, who meanwhile had boxed a bye with the instructor; but his previous exertions had told upon him, and he had to be content with second honours. Robert won the first prize in the College Long Vacation Essay, with a essay on ' The Freedom of the Press From Milton to Corbett ' But a promising scholastic career was cut short by the events of 1914.
Immediately at the outbreak of war, he joined the Colours, obtaining his Captainy in June 1916. Shortly afterwards when reconnoitring at night, he has the misfortune through the collapse of a parapet, to impale himself on a broken bayonet. Later in the year he was invalided home with a broken fibula, which kept him for some time in this country, later rejoining his old regiment, where he was much beloved by his brother officers, and the men. He was often entrusted with the work of liaison officer.
His Commanding Officer wrote: " I especially feel the loss. It is difficult tp replace a company commander whose work was always exeptionally good, and who was absolutely reliable "
Many thanks go to Richard for unearthing the above book and finding the details about Robert.




Sergeant 78, The King's (Liverpool Regiment) "C" Coy. 1st/6th Bn.
died 25/04/1915, aged 25.
Son of Annie Hulme Jones, of 18, Classic Rd., Stoneycroft, Liverpool, and the late Edward Jones.
Remembered at St.Sever Cemetery, Rouen, France.
Alfred was born in Northop, Flintshire, Wales. Enlisted and resided in Liverpool.
Died France and Flanders.
1901 Census. 11 Imrie Street, Walton, Liverpool.
Annie (mother) 45, married, born Knutsford, Cheshire. Children Mabel 21, Inn Waitress, Annie F 19, Inn Waitress, Shallcross 17, General Merchants Clerk, Blanche S 15, Dressmakers Apprentice, Harry V 13, Alfred H 11, Elsie H 9. All children born in Northop, Flintshire, Wales.
1891 Census. The Holts,Eastnor, Herefordshire.
Edward (father) 38, Forester, born Northop, Flintshire, Wales, Annie 35, born Knutsford Cheshire. Children Sarah H 13, Mabel F F 11, Frances A 9, Alfred T S 7, Blanche S 5, Harry Victor 3, A Horace 1. All Children born in Northop, Flintshire, Wales. Two Alfred's? Shallcross appears to have been written as Alfred and Alfred as Horace.

St.Sever Cemetery, Rouen, France
Photograph Courtesy of WW1cemeteries.com

The service records have survived for Alfred. He signed up on 1st April 1908 with the 6th Battalion King's Liverpool Regiment, and was given the service number 78. He gives his age as 18 years and 11 months, occupation as a Timber Clerk, and address as 39 Kenmare Road, Liverpool.

Alfred's Signature On His Enlistment Papers

Alfred undertook annual training as a Rifleman at Peel, Isle of Man during 1909. On 1st August 1909 he was at Caerwys, Wales where he was promoted to Corporal. On 31st July 1910 he is based in Hutton, Lancashire, then at Conway, Wales on 10th September 1911. On 22nd August 1913 he is appointed Lance Sergeant, and another entry for 7th September 1913 list him as being at Cambridge.
At the outbreak of war in 1914 Alfred and his regiment prepare for action. He is promoted a Sergeant on 10th January 1915. On 24th February 1915 Alfred leaves Southampton for France aboard the " SS City Of Edinburgh " . He is admitted to the 85th field ambulance on 25th March 1915, though not with anything serious as he is discharged back to duty the following day. Alfred goes back into action and is wounded on 13th April 1915 and taken to the 14th field ambulance station. From here he is moved to the 12th General Hospital at Rouen where sadly he dies on 25th April 1915 at 8.15pm.

A hospital document written in French noting Alfred's death. Below the translation in English.


A 1919 Army document lists Alfred's family members. His mother is Annie Jones of 18 Classic Road, Stoneycroft, Liverpool. He has two brothers listed. Alfred T Shallcross Hulme Jones 34, living in Bailson, Yorkshire. ( Again the name Alfred appears for two brothers? ) His other brother is Harry Victor Hulme Jones 31, living at Finsbury Park London.
Alfred has five sisters listed. Sarah Harriet Hulme Jones 42, of Chestnut Cottage, Houghton, Carlisle. Mabel Myfanwy Frances Hulme Jones 40, of 18 Classic Road, Liverpool. Annie Frances Evans 38, of 68 Gainsborough Road, Liverpool. Blanche Sybil Hulme Powell 33, of Woodfield Road, Hulme, Cheshire. Elsie Hulme Smith 27, of 26 Thomas Lane, Knotty Ash, Liverpool.

Reciept for Alfred's medals signed by his mother Annie.





Sapper WR/314086, Royal Engineers.
died 08/05/1918, aged 18.
Son of Frederick H. and Florence Knowles, of IO, Classic Rd., Stoneycroft, Liverpool.
Remembered at Hollybrook Memorial, England.
Gerald was born in Liverpool, and enlisted in New York, USA.
Died UK.
1911 Census. 20 Aylesford Road, Old Swan, Liverpool.
Frederick Harry (father) 39, Assurance Agent, born Stonehouse, Devonshire, Eliza Florence (mother) 40, born Liverpool (married 12 years) Evelyn Margaret 12, Gerald Frederick 10, Alan William 3. All children born in Liverpool.