The Reverend Canon Emma Williams, Vicar [
Emma was ordained Deacon in June 2006, Priest in June 2007, and after serving her title in the United Benefice of St. Anne's, Stanley
with St Paul, Stoneycroft she is now the Vicar.
Prior to ordination she worked as youth worker and secondary school lay-chaplain, in Somerset.
Prior to those roles and after growing up in Somerset, she read biology in Derby, has worked in a retreat center in East Sussex,
and as a parish assistant in the West Indies through a gap year charity - Right Hand Trust - where upon returning to the UK she became
based in Wales training and sending people to and visiting with parishes
in various African countries and assisting them with their vocations upon their return.
She trained for ordination at St. Michael's theological college in Llandaff, Cardiff where,
after completing a theological degree, she combined her two degrees in further study of a Masters
in Christian Bioethics, studying particularly, issues concerning designer babies and cloning
graduation photo).
In January 2017 she took on the extra role of becoming Area Dean of West Derby Deanery. This role includes supporting her fellow clergy in their parishes,
assisting parishes in interregnum and working on behalf of the Bishop of Liverpool in Diocesan, synod and parish matters.
In January 2020 she also gained the role of being chair of the DAC (Diocesan Advisory Committee). This role includes considering the various applications
that come from parishes across the Diocese for reordering of buildings, grounds and fabric so that God's glory may best be reflected in all the varous
styles of worship that we are blessed with in the Church of England.
Alongside her interest of scientific / religious ethical debates, her hobbies include being a numerist, travelling,
playing the oboe and music generally, films, quizzes, fine red wines and the 'who-done-its' of life - especially murder mysteries!
She is married and has two young daughters.