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War memorials

These web pages honour the 238 members of the parish who gave their lives during World War I and World War II and are the work of Anthony Hogan to whom we are indebted.
On August 4th 1914 Britain declared war on Germany, and for the next four years the Great War continued. A horrific episode in the world's history that claimed the lives of millions of people, maimed and injured thousands more, and deprived families of their loved ones. Prime minister David Lloyd George had promised the enlisting men that they would return to "A land fit for heroes.".
What most of the returning men came home to was a small cash payment, a civilian suit, and a pair of medals. They then had to join the masses looking for work, often their search was in vain. Injured men recieved a small pension, yet had no chance of employment. These men had fought bravely for king and country, now they returned home to unimaginable hardships. Their biggest fight had started, the fight for themselves and their families to survive.
Thomas Fenwick Harrison provided a memorial screen and organ in memory of those who gave their lives in the great war to honour the ultimate sacrifice that they made. At the remembrance service each year the choir sings the words written by Laurence Binyon;
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them.
The memorial is there to remind us every day of the year that these men laid down their lives for their country and to remind us of the atrocity and scale of the human sacrifice. From St. Anne’s parish alone there are 175 names listed on the memorial. Below the screen is an inscription carved into the sandstone which reads:
To the glory of God and gratefully to record the names of those, who to their praise and honour went from this parish to fight for king and country and gave their lives in a just and righteous cause in the Great War of 1914 - 1919, this organ and screen are given by Thomas Fenwick Harrison of Liverpool, merchant and shipowner born in the parish.
We can barely imagine the pain and suffering that they and their families endured so it is fitting that their memory is honoured in this website.