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Acting Bombardier L/2416, Royal Field Artillery, "A" Bty. 190th Bde.
died 23/09/1917, aged about 22.
Remembered at Larch Wood (Railway Cutting) Cemetery, Belgium.
George enlisted in Liverpool, and resided in Stanley, Liverpool.
Killed in action France and Flanders.
1911 Census. 13 Frogmore Road, Liverpool.
George Matthew (father) 45, Collector For Firm Of House Furnishers, Georgina Adelaide (mother) 46 (married 20 years) Children Elsie Florence 20, Clerk, Mabel Gladys 18, Telephone Operator, George Cecil 16, Telegraph Messenger, Arthur William 13, Harry Matthew 6, Georgina Maud 4. All born in Liverpool.

Larch Wood (Railway Cutting) Cemetery, Belgium.
Photograph Courtesy of WW1cemeteries.com



Private 6549, Gloucestershire Regiment, 1st Bn.
died 23/10/1914.
Remembered at Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial.
Richard was born West Derby, Liverpool. Enlisted Liverpool.
Killed in action France and Flanders.

Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, Belgium.
Photograph Courtesy of WW1cemeteries.com



Private 32741, The King's (Liverpool Regiment) 18th Bn.
died 18/10/1916. aged about 21.
Son of Mrs. M. Fitzroy. His brother Harry also fell.
Remembered at Thiepval Memorial, France.
Frederick is the brother of Harry listed below.
Frederick was born, enlisted and resided in Liverpool.
Killed in action France and Flanders.
1911 Census. 47 Lennox Street, Liverpool.
Thomas F (father) 48, Furnitured Removers Assistant, born Liverpool, Mary (mother) 39 , born Manchester (married 21 years) Children Harold Lancelot 18, Butcher Assistant, Frederick 16, Cycle Makers Assistant, William 14, Butcher Boy, Harry 13, Thomas 8, Winifred 8 (twins) Albert 7, Ivy 5. All children born in Liverpool.
1901 Census. 46 Lennox Street, Liverpool. Thomas (Father) 37, Furniture Remover, Mary (mother) 30. Children Emily 9, Harold L 8, Frederick 6, William 4, Harry 3, Thomas 9 months. All born in Liverpool.

Thiepval Memorial, France
Photograph Courtesy of WW1cemeteries.com



Lance Corporal 303080, Lancashire Fusiliers, 3rd/5th Bn. died 09/10/1917, aged 19. Son of Mrs. M. Fitzroy, of 78, Earle Rd., Edge Hill, Liverpool. Remembered at Tyne Cot Memorial, Belgium.
Harry is the brother of Frederick listed above.
Harry was born and enlisted in Liverpool. Killed in action France and Flanders.
1901 Census. 46 Lennox Street, Liverpool. Thomas ( Father ) 37, Furniture Remover, Mary ( mother ) 30. Children Emily 9, Harold L 8, Frederick 6, William 4, Harry 3, Thomas 9 months. All born in Liverpool.


Tyne Cot Memorial, Belgium
Photographs Courtesy of Pierre Vandervelden



Serjeant 22081, The King's (Liverpool Regiment) 20th Bn.
died 30/07/1916, aged about 36.
Brother of Miss Ellen Ursula Fleming, of 9, Brelade Rd., Stoneycroft, Liverpool.
Remembered at Thiepval Memorial, France.
Bernard was born, enlisted and resided in Liverpool.
Killed in action France and Flanders.
Bernards initials on the memorial are B.J.T. I have checked the records and no B.J.T Fleming is listed as a WW1 casualty. The T must have been translated wrong from C when the memorial was made.
1911 Census. 9 Brelade Road, Liverpool.
Sarah Alice (mother) 57, widowed, born Egremont, Cheshire. Children Bernard James Clare 31, Commercial Traveller, born Liverpool, Wilfred Robert 29, Bar Attendant, born Southport, Mary Ann Connor 25, Telephone Operator,born Liverpool, Ellen Ursula 22, Clerk, born Liverpool.

Thiepval Memorial, France
Photograph Courtesy of WW1cemeteries.com





Corporal 32335, The King's (Liverpool Regiment) 20th Bn.
died 30/07/1916, aged 26.
Remembered at Thiepval Memorial, France.
Arthur was born, enlisted and resided in Liverpool.
Killed in action France and Flanders.
1901 Census. 13 Rock Mount South, Liverpool.
William (father) 45, Elizabeth (mother) 44. Children Thomas 25, Margaret 24, John 22, Richard 19, Harry 16, George 15, Arthur 10, Alfred 7 and Ada 5.

Thiepval Memorial, France
Photograph Courtesy of WW1cemeteries.com



Private 56678, The King's (Liverpool Regiment) 4th Bn.
died 25/09/1917, aged 25.
Son of the late John Forshaw and of Ellen Forshaw, of 11, Brookland Rd., Old Swan, Liverpool.
Remembered at Tyne Cot Memorial, Belgium.
Thomas was born Ormskirk. Enlisted and resided, Liverpool.
Killed in action France and Flanders.
1901 Census. 35 Almond Street, Liverpool.
Ellen (mother) 48, born Melling, Widowed. Children John 24, Pawnbrokers Assistant, Margaret E 21, Dressmaker, William G 19, Plumbers Apprentice, Henry J 17, Apprentice Oli Colour Merchant, Edward 13, Thomas P 10, Mary A 8. All Children born in Ormskirk.
1891 Census. 143 Halsull Lane Aughton.
John (father) 41, Draper, born Ormskirk, Ellen (mother) 39, born Melling. Children Joseph R 16, Telegram Operator, John 15, Assistant, Charles F 14, Telegram Messanger, Margaret A 12, William G 9, Henry J 7, Edward 3, Thomas P 11 months. All children born in Ormskirk. Also listed Margaret Bullen 72 (mother to Ellen)

Tyne Cot Memorial, Belgium
Photograph Courtesy of Pierre Vandervelden



Private 358431, The King's (Liverpool Regiment) 1st/10th Bn.
died 31/07/1917, aged about 32.
Remembered at New Irish Farm Cemetery, Belgium.
Maurice was born, enlisted and resided in Liverpool.
Killed in action France and Flanders.
Please note; CWGC has his regimental number as 358431. SDGW has it as 356431.
1911 Census. 33 Standale Road, Liverpool.
Maurice William Frith 26, Tailor's Assistant.Married to Robina Crawley Frith 31. Both born in Liverpool.

New Irish Farm Cemetery, Belgium.
Photograph Courtesy of WW1cemeteries.com



Private 307241, The King's (Liverpool Regiment) 1st/8th Bn.
died 08/08/1916, aged 18.
Son of Daniel and Elizabeth Gains, of 15, Swan St., Old Swan, Liverpool.
Remembered at Thiepval Memorial, France.
Joseph was born, enlited and resided in Liverpool.
Killed in action France and Flanders.
1911 Census. 7 Victoria Place, Old Swan, Liverpool.
Daniel (father) 40, Bricklayers Labourer, Elizabeth (mother) 35 (married 14 years) Children John 15, Builders Boy, Joseph 13, Elizabeth 12, Ellen 8, Thomas 5, Catherine 3. All born in Liverpool.

Thiepval Memorial, France
Photograph Courtesy of WW1cemeteries.com



Private 332983, The King's (Liverpool Regiment) 9th Bn.
died 01/03/1917, aged 20.
Son of Fred and Azora Gallimore, of Manchester.
Remembered at Vlamertinghe Military Cemetery, Belgium.
Formerly 8122, Lancashire Hussare, Yeomanry.
Fred enlisted and resided in Liverpool.
Killed in action France and Flanders.
Fred is listed on St Anne's school war memorial.
Please note; CWGC has his regimental number as 332983. SDGW has it as 332982
1911 Census. 18 Cowper Road, Liverpool.
Fred (father) 43, Bookbinder Foreman, born Stretford, Manchester, Azora (mother) 43, born Manchester (married 18 years) Children Fred Miller 13, Bookbinder Apprentice, born Chorlton-Cum-Hardy, Lancashire, Azora 11, born Stretford, Manchester.
1901 Census, 12 Grange Avenue, Stockport.
Fred (father) 33, Book Binder, born Stretford, Manchester, Azora (mother) 33, born Crumpsall Manchester. Children Fred M 3, born Chorlton-Cum-Hardy, Lancashire, Azora 1, born Stretford, Manchester.

Vlamertinghe Military Cemetery, Belgium.
Photograph Courtesy of WW1cemeteries.com



Driver 4599, Royal Field Artillery, "D" Howitzer Bty. 75th Bde.
died 03/08/1917, aged about 33.
Remembered at Bleuet Farm Cemetery, Belgium.
Joseph was born and enlisted in Liverpool.
Killed in action France and Flanders.
1911 Census. 22 Etna St, Old Swan, Liverpool.
Margaret (mother) 57, Laundres, Widowed. Children Alice Anne 33, Charwomen, Joseph 27, Labourer, William 23, Labourer. All born in Liverpool.

Bleuet Farm Cemetery, Belgium
Photograph Courtesy of Pierre Vandervelden



Fireman, Mercantile Marine, H.M.T. "Georgian"
died 09/03/1917, aged 43.
Son of John Garner; husband of Jane Garner, of 34, Derby St., Prescot Rd., Old Swan, Liverpool. Born at Liverpool.
Remembered at Suda Bay War Cemetery, Crete, Greece.


Suda Bay War Cemetery, Crete, Greece.
PhotographS Courtesy of WW1cemeteries.com

William Garner

William Garner front, far left



Private 203034, The King's (Liverpool Regiment) 20th Bn.
died 04/11/1917.
Remembered at Tyne Cot Memorial, Belgium.
Arthur was born and resided in Liverpool. Enlisted at Seaforth.
Killed in action France and Flanders.
1911 Census. 59 Empire St, Liverpool.
George S (father) 53, Baker, born Abbotbury, Dorset, Maria (mother) 50, Housekeeper, born Liverpool (married 30 years) Children Arthur 25, Stableman, Elizabeth 21, Factory Tobacco Spinner, William 19, Assistant Pawnbroker, John 15, Office Boy, Albert 8. All children born in Liverpool.
1901 Census. 59 Empire Street, Liverpool.
George J (father) 43, Baker Bread Maker, Born Abbotsbury, Dorset, Maria (mother) 40, born Liverpool. Children George E 19, Engineers Clerk, Charles 17, Porter, Arthur J 15, Porter Cart, Elizabeth 12, William 9, John 5. All children born in Liverpool.
1891 Census. 8 Wallasey Buildings, Furlong Street, Liverpool.
George J (father) 33, Baker, Maria (mother) 29. Children George E 9, Charles H 8, Arthur J 4, Elizabeth G 2.

Tyne Cot Memorial, Belgium.
Photograph Courtesy of Pierre Vandervelden



Private 78917, The King's (Liverpool Regiment) 3rd Inf. Labour Coy.
Secondary Regiment: Labour Corps, (54398) 91st Coy.
died 19/03/1918.
Remembered at The Huts Cemetery, Belgium.
John enlisted in Liverpool.
Killed in action France and Flanders.
Formerly 33030, The King's (Liverpool Regiment)

The Huts Cemetery, Belgium.
Photograph Courtesy of WW1cemeteries.com



Serjeant 1621, South Lancashire Regiment, 1st/5th Bn.
died 25/05/1915, aged 22.
Son of Annie Gordon, of 28, Sleepers Hill, Everton, Liverpool, and the late Robert Gordon.
Remembered at Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, Belgium.
James was born and resided in Liverpool.
Killed in action France and Flanders.
The 5th Battalion of the South Lancashire Regiment was moved to Belgium for the first battle of Ypres. At Vlamertinghe they began preperations for action. The Germans used chlorine gas in an attack on 2nd May 1915 and the South Lancs. saw their first action this day. On the third day they moved into the front lines at Wieltje, then on the 4th they were at Mousetrap Farm (Shell Trap farm as a nickname) where they saw action against the enemy for the next two days. They battalion lost many men at Mousetrap Farm.
On the 6th May they moved to La Brique, then back to the front line at Wieltje on the 8th to cover an enemy attack that never came, so they returned to Wietje on the 9th. On the 10th May they moved to the Yser canal bankside and stayed there till the 13th when they moved into support lines.
Their time was basically the same as above until 24th May when the enemy released a huge gas cloud, the largest of the war so far. It covered a wide area of the British front line and was followed by a German infantry attack. Fighting was fierce and lasted into the 25th. The South Lancs. lost many men, Sadly James was one of those killed.
1911 Census. 7 Taplow Street, Anfield, Liverpool.
Annie (mother) 58, Widowed, born Wigtownshire, Wigtown. Children William 24, General Labourer, James 18, Bread Salesman, Children born in Liverpool.
1901 Census. 4 St George's Hill, Everton, Liverpool.
Annie (mother) 47, Widowed, born Scotland. Children Annie 24, Florist, Matilda 23, Working, Robert 20, Apprentice Electrical Engineer, William 14, James 8. All children born in Liverpool.
James is also listed on the Prescot War Memorial

Entry for James on The Menin Gate Memorial

Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, Belgium
Photograph Courtesy of WW1cemeteries.com



Private 13228, The King's (Liverpool Regiment) 1st Bn.
died 08/08/1916.
Remembered at Thiepval Memorial, France.
John was born, enlisted and resided in Liverpool.
Killed in action France and Flanders.
1901 Census. 58 Etna Street, Stanley, Liverpool.
William (father) 39, General Labourer, born Liverpool, Mary (mother) 36, born Ireland. Children John P 16, Rope spinners help, Francis 13, Annie 4. All children born in Liverpool.
1891 Census. 5 Leigh Street, Stanley, Liverpool.
William (father) 29, Carriage Coach Fitter, born Liverpool, Mary (mother) 26, Laundress, born Ireland. Children John 6, Francis 3, Maggie 1. All children born in Liverpool. Also listed Mary Welch 92 (grandmother to William Gornall) born in Ireland.
William Gornall married Mary Heffron 1882 in Liverpool.


Rifleman S/29875, Rifle Brigade, 12th Bn.
died 17/08/1917, aged 30.
Husband of Mary Bow Graves, of 46, Castlewood Rd., Anfield, Liverpool.
Remembered at Cement House Cemetery, Belgium.
Robert was born in Maryport, Cumberland, enlisted at Stratford Essex, and resided in Anfield, Liverpool.
Killed in action France and Flanders.
Formerly 13/26759, 109th T.R
1911 Census. 66 Needham Road, Liverpool.
Living as a boarder with a family named Bell. Robert Graves 24, Traveller, Single, born Cumberland, Maryport.
Robert Graves married Mary Bow Little in Liverpool 1912.

Cement House Cemetery, Belgium
Photograph Courtesy of Pierre Vandervelden





Private 3/43130, Gordon Highlanders, 2nd Bn. died 05/09/1916, aged 19.
Son of Mrs. Elizabeth Gregson, of 10, Fletcher Grove, Edge Lane, Liverpool.
Remembered at Thiepval Memorial, France.
Alfred was born 27 April 1897, West Derby, Liverpool, and enlisted in Liverpool.
Killed in action France and Flanders.
1911 Census. 345 Edge Lane, Liverpool.
Fred Charles Stuart (father) 50, Plumber And Painter, Elizabeth (mother) 51. (married for 30 years) Children Edith Maud 26, Telephone Fitter, Mary Victoria 18, Boot Shop Assistant, Robert H L C S, Clerk, Alfred D J 13, William F S 11. All born in Liverpool.
1901 Census. 10 Fletcher Grove, Liverpool.
Frederick C S (father) 40, Plumber, Painter, Elizabeth (mother) 41, Coal Agent. Children Edith M 16, Caroline A 12, Ethel S 10, Mary V 8, Robert H L C S 6, Alfred D J S 3, William F S 1. All born in Liverpool.

Thiepval Memorial, France
Photograph Courtesy of WW1cemeteries.com



Serjeant 21501, The King's (Liverpool Regiment) 19th Bn.
died 30/07/1916, aged 26.
Brother of John R. Griffith, of 121, Moscow Drive, Stoneycroft, Liverpool.
Remembered at Thiepval Memorial, France.
1911 Census. 65 Rockfield Road, Walton, Liverpool.
Samuel (father) 65, Letterpress Printer, born Chester, Cheshire, Elizabeth Ann (mother) 62, born Liverpool. (married 41 years) Children Harry Dudley 26, Provision Merchants Clerk, Robert Glyn 21, Elementary School Teacher, Nellie Margery 18. All children born in Liverpool.
Robert is listed on St Anne's school war memorial where he was a teacher. His sister Lydia had the memorial erected at the school in his memory.


Thiepval Memorial, France
Photograph Courtesy of WW1cemeteries.com



Private 52288, The King's (Liverpool Regiment) 1st Bn.
died 20/12/1918.
Remembered at Chambieres French National Cemetery, Metz, France.
John is listed on St Anne's school war memorial.
John was born and enlisted in Liverpool. Resided in Stanley, Liverpool.
Died France and Flanders.
1911 Census. 40 Herrick St, Stanley, Liverpool.
Elizabeth (mother) 60, widowed, born Leamington, Warwickshire. Children John 20, Grocers Assistant, Lawrence 17, Railway Servant Porter, Kathleen (grandaughter of Elizabeth) 16 months. Children born in Liverpool.

Chambieres French National Cemetery, Metz, France.
Photograph Courtesy of WW1cemeteries.com





Corporal 2664, Australian Mining and Boring Company.
died 14/08/1916, aged 38.
Son of John Henry and Thirza Teresa Hambidge; husband of Maud Hambidge, of 19, Ashton St., Old Swan, Liverpool, England. Native of Yeovil, England.
Remembered at Anzac Cemetery, Sailly-Sur-La-Lys, France.
1911 Census. 65 Sunbeam Road, Old Swan, Liverpool.
John Bertie 33, Stone Mason, born Yeovil, Somerset, Maud 36, born Liverpool (married 7 years) Child Leonard 1, born Rainhill Lancashire.

Anzac Cemetery, Sailly-Sur-La-Lys, France.
Photograph Courtesy of WW1cemeteries.com

The Service records are available for John. He enlisted in Southern Australia on 19th August 1914, Giving his age as 38 years, and his trade as a mason, serving his apprenticeship at Halliday and sons in Stanton, Lancashire for 7 years. He is 5 feet 3 1/2 inches tall, weighs 10 stone 7 pounds with a chest measurement of 36 1/2 inches. His complexion is freash, hair fair, and eyes blue. John's place of birth is listed as Yeovil, Somerset, England.
John's wife is listed as Maud Hambridge of 87 Herrick Street, Stanley, Liverpool. Later changed to 19 Ashton Street, Old Swan, Liverpool. A later address lists her living at 82 Sandstone Road, Liverpool, with their son Leonard.
John joins as a 1st reinforcement to the 1st Australian Depot of supply, 11th A.S.C. His rank is a private. He trains with his unit and travels with them to France. On 26th September 1915 he is admitted to the hospital ship "Gascon" with dysentry. He is then transfered to ANZAC (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) John then sails to Gibraltar where he is admitted to the General hospital. After 3 weeks he sails aboard the "S.S Ballarat" to England. He is admitted sick to the 2nd Southern General hospital at Bristol on 31st October 1915, where he stays until returning to duty at Weymouth on 29 December 1915.
On 15th January 1916 John sails aboard "H.T Oniana" ariiving in Alexandria, Egypt. He joins the 1st Pioneer Battalion at Tel-El-Kebir, Egypt (training centre for the Australian Forces) John is then returned back to the 1st Australian Depot of supply at Serapeum, Egypt on 20th March 1916. On 26th March 1916 he sails aboard "S.S Ballarat" from Alexandia, Egypt, arriving in Marseilles, France on 2nd April 1916. John is transfered to the Australian Mining Corps, Supernumerary to establishment Number 2 Company on 3rd July 1916. The same day he joins the 2nd Tunnelling Coy, Australian Mining Corps and is promoted to Corporal. Sadly John is killed in action on 14th August 1916.

Army letter to John's wife Maud telling of his death and burial

List of John's items sent to Maud

Pension details for John's wife Maud and son Leonard

John's medals reciept signed by his wife Maude
He was awarded the 1914-1915 Star, The British War Medal, and The Victory Medal
Details for John on the Australian War Memorial
Details for John on the AIF Project


Private 11276, The King's (Liverpool Regiment) 1st Bn.
died 16/05/1915, aged about 20.
Remembered at Le Touret Memorial, France.
Henry was born, enlisted and resided in Liverpool.
Killed in action France and Flanders.
1911 Census. 489 Prescot Road, Old Swan, Liverpool.
James Allen (father) 46, Fried Fish Dealer, born Brighouse, Yorkshire, Marian Julie (mother) 43, born France (married 23 years) Children Margaret Louise 19, Henry Louis 16, Draper's Apprentice, Edwin Norman 14, Errand Boy, Lilian Doris 7, William Bernard 5, Marianne Julie 1. All children born in Liverpool.

Le Touret Memorial, France
Photograph Courtesy of WW1cemeteries.com



Private 2002, South Lancashire Regiment, 2nd Bn.
died 09/01/1915, aged about 33.
Remembered at Niederzwehren Cemetery, Germany.
Henry was Birkenhead, Cheshire and enlisted in Liverpool.
1911 Census. 22 Hurst Street, Old Swan, Liverpool.
Henry Richard Hassell 29, General Labourer, born Birkenhead, Cheshire. Living as a boarder with a family named Barton.

Niederzwehren Cemetery, Germany
Photograph Courtesy of WW1cemeteries.com



Private 57352, Royal Welsh Fusiliers, 4th Bn.
died 05/04/1918, aged 26.
Son of Katharine and the late Andrew Hawksley-Hill, of Liverpool.
Remembered at Gezaincourt Communal Cemetery Extension, France.

Gezaincourt Communal Cemetery Extension, France.
Photograph Courtesy of WW1cemeteries.com



Private W/269, Cheshire Regiment, 13th Bn.
died 07/08/1917, aged 29.
Husband of Florence Emma Healey, of 11, Clyde Rd., Edge Lane, Liverpool.
Remembered at Birr Cross Roads Cemetery, Belgium.
Frederick was born in Middlewich, Cheshire and enlisted at Wallasey, Cheshire.
Killed in action France and Flanders.

Birr Cross Roads Cemetery, Belgium.
Photograph Courtesy of WW1cemeteries.com



Captain, The King's (Liverpool Regiment) 17th Bn.
died 08/05/1918, aged 23.
Son of Bertha Sparkes (formerly Henry), of Park Farm, Booth Rd., Altrincham, Cheshire, and the late Robert Henry.
Remembered at Tyne Cot Memorial, Belgium.
1911 Census. 23 Brelade Road, Liverpool.
Bertha (mother) 40, Widowed, born Warrington. Children Norman 16, Office Boy Com Exchange, born Latchford, Lancashire, Marie Pierpoint 14, born Latchford, Lancashire.
Robert Henry married Bertha Pierpoint 1894 in Warrington.


Tyne Cot Memorial, Belgium
Photographs Courtesy of Pierre Vandervelden



Lieutenant, Royal Garrison Artillery, 132nd Heavy Bty.
died 11/10/1918, aged 21.
Son of Thomas Henry and Mary Hopley, of 41, Holland St., Liverpool.
Remembered at Maurois Communal Cemetery, France.
Killed in action France and Flanders.
1911 Census. 41 Holland St, Fairfield, Liverpool.
Mary (mother) 40 (married 20 years) Children Jessie 18, Dressmaker, Emily 17, Thomas H 14, Gertrude 11, John H 8, Elsie 5, Horace E 2. All born in Liverpool.

Maurois Communal Cemetery, France.
Photograph Courtesy of WW1cemeteries.com



Private 29930, The King's (Liverpool Regiment) 4th Bn.
died 18/08/1916, aged about 34.
Remembered at Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval, France.
Arthur was born and enlisted in Liverpool. Resided Stoneycroft, Liverpool.
Killed in action France and Flanders.
Arthur is listed on St Anne's school war memorial.
1911 Census. 21 Highfield Road, liverpool.
Peter (father) 60, Cotton Porter, born Cheshire, Broxton, Rachel (mother) 60, born Liverpool (married 33 years) Children Arthur 29, Cab Driver, born Huyton, Liverpool, Herbert 21, Cotton Porter, born Huyton, Liverpool, Margaret 18, born Liverpool. Also listed Constance Austin 31 (sister of Arthur) born Huyton, Liverpool (married 6 years) and her son Ernest Austin 4 (nephew of Arthur) born Liverpool.

Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval, France.
Photograph Courtesy of WW1cemeteries.com



Private 22923, King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment) 7th Bn.
died 26/10/1916, aged about 19.
Remembered at Blighty Valley Cemetery, Authuille Wood, France.
Ralph was born Bootle, Liverpool and enlisted at Liverpool.
Killed in action France and Flanders.
Formerly 24371 South Lancashire Regiment.
1911 Census. 2 Ulster Road, Old Swan, Liverpool.
Emma (mother) 57, widowed, dressmaking, born Lancashire, Oldham. Children Evelyn 16, born Bootle, Ralph 14, Shop Boy, born Bootle.

Blighty Valley Cemetery, Authuille Wood, France
Photograph Courtesy of Pierre Vandervelden



Lance Corporal 15449, The King's (Liverpool Regiment) 17th Bn.
died 27/06/1916, aged 23.
Son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hufton, of 30, Sandstone Rd., Stoneycroft, Liverpool.
Remembered at Cerisy-Gailly Military Cemetery, France.
1911 Census. 30 Sandstone Road, Old Swan, Liverpool.
Arthur (father) 60, Cooper, born Davenham, Cheshire, Sarah (mother) 58, born Woolton, Liverpool (married 38 years) Children Sarah Ellen 24, Telephone Operator, Hilda Florence 20, Dressmaker At Home, Harry 18, Clerk, Ivy Gladys 15, Domestic Servant. Also listed William Ashworth 11 (Nephew of Harry) All children born in Widnes.

Cerisy-Gailly Military Cemetery, France.
Photograph Courtesy of WW1cemeteries.com



Private 1759, The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment. 1st Bn.
died 25/09/1915.
Remembered at Dud Corner Cemetery, Loos, France.
George was born and enlisted in Liverpool.
Killed in action France and Flanders.
1911 Census. 26 Rock Mount South, Old Swan, Liverpool.
Mary Ann (mother) 41 (married 25 years) Children Thomas Charles 20, Builders Labourer, George 18, Builders Labourer, Isaac 16, Builders Labourer, William 13, Arthur 11, Samuel 9, Alfred 5. All born in Liverpool.
The service records have survived for George. He enlisted as Private 1759 with the Loyal North lancashire regiment on 25th August 1911 in Liverpool. He gave his age as 19 years and 11 months, birthplace as Kensington, Liverpool and occupation as a Painters improver with Lampkin Contracts of Rock Mount Street, Old Swan. George is 5 feet 2 1/2 inches tall, weighs 113 pounds, with a chest measurement of 34 inches. His eyes are Grey and his hair Brown. He has a scar on the top of his head. George's mother Mary and his brother Thomas are both listed as next of kin living at 26 Rockmount South, Old Swan, Liverpool.

George's signature on his enlistment papers

George trains with the North Lancs in the UK. On 17th December 1911 George marries Alice Appleyard in Liverpool. Eight days later on 25th December 1911 their first child Charles T is born. A daughter Maimie is born on 27th February 1914. Army records show Alice is from now listed as next of kin with addresses of 5 Wellington Street, Old Swan, 116 Heygreen Road, off Picton Road, Wavertree and last listed is 26 Rockmount South, Old Swan.
At the outbreak of war George's regiment prepares itself and leaves for France on 11th September 1914. George goes straight into action and is wounded. He arrives back in the UK on 28th November 1918 and is admitted to the 1st South General hospital in Edgebaston, Birmingham. He arrives back in France the following year on 18th May 1915. Sadly he is killed in action on 25th September 1915.


Pension awards for Alice and the two children



Gunner 171683, Royal Field Artillery, "D" Bty. 76th Bde.
died 04/03/1919, aged 32.
Son of Francis George and Annie Hutchinson; husband of Agnes Hutchinson, of 59, Wharncliffe Rd., Stoneycroft, Liverpool.
Robert is listed on St Anne's school war memorial.
1911 Census. 11 Goschen St, Old Swan, Liverpool.
Francis (father) 58, Domestic Gardener, born Sowerby, Yorkshire, Annie (mother) 57 (married 37 years) Child Robert 24, Pawnbroker Manager, born Liverpool.
1901 Census. The Tower, Sandfield Park, Liverpool.
Francis (father) 48, Gardener, born Thirsk, Yorkshire, Annie (mother) 47, born Yorkshire. Children Mary 16 Domestic Servant, Robert 15. Children born Stanley, Liverpool.

Robert's grave at St Anne's churchyard
Photograph Courtesy of WW1cemeteries.com



Private 13, 1st King Edward's Horse
died 05/01/1917, aged 23.
Son of John Charles and Beatrice Irene Jackson, of 6, Hertford Drive, Wallasey, Cheshire.
Remembered at Highgate Cemetery, England.
1901 Census. 59 Belmont Drive, Liverpool.
John Charles (father) 39, Wholesale Druggist, Beatrice I (mother) 33. Children Percy S 7, Ronald S 2. All born in Liverpool.
Percy was born and enlisted in Liverpool.
Died in UK. Percy is the brother of Ronald listed below.


Private G/66807, Royal Fusiliers, 10th Bn.
died 08/04/1918, aged 20.
Son of John Charles and Beatrice Irene Jackson, of 6, Hertford Drive, Wallasey, Cheshire.
Remembered at Highgate Cemetery, England and at Pozieres Memorial, France.
1911 Census. 25 Anfield Road, Walton, Liverpool.
Henry Jackson 82 (uncle to Ronald) widowed, Druggist Sundryman, born Lowton, Lancashire.Emily Katerine Durie 61 (cousin to Ronald) born Pendleton Nr Manchester, Ronald Singleton Jackson 12, born Tue Brook, Liverpool.
1901 Census. 59 Belmont Drive, Liverpool.
John Charles (father) 39, Wholesale Druggist, Beatrice I (mother) 33. Children Percy S 7, Ronald S 2. All born in Liverpool.
Ronald enlisted and resided in Liverpool.
Killed in action France and Flanders.
Formerly 65008, Kings Liverpool Regiment.
Ronald is the brother of Percy listed above.

Pozieres Memorial, France.
Photograph Courtesy of WW1cemeteries.com



First Officer, Mercantile Marine, S.S. "Serula" (Cork)
died 16/09/1918, aged 58.
Husband of Mrs. Jenkins, of 24 Macfarren St., Old Swan, Liverpool. Born at Saint John, New Brunswick.
Remembered at Tower Hill Memorial, England.
The S.S. "Serula" was en route from Manchester to Rouen with general cargo when she was torpedoed by UB-64 in St. George's channel. She was one of 10 vessels destroyed by the U-boat's commander Oberleutnant zur See Ernst Krieger during the period 13-21 September 1918.

S.S. Serula

Tower Hill Memorial, England
Photograph Courtesy of WW1cemeteries.com



Private 3505, The King's (Liverpool Regiment) 1st/9th Bn.
died 08/10/1915, aged 17.
Son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Jones, of 13, Highfield Square, Stoneycroft, Liverpool.
Remembered at Loos Memorial, France.
Charles is listed on St Anne's school war memorial.
Charles was born, enlisted and resided in Liverpool.
Killed in action France and Flanders.
1901 Census. 25 Childers Street, Liverpool.
Alfred (father) 35, General Labourer, Florence (mother) 29, Laundress. Children Thomas 7, Alfred 5, Charles 2, Richard F 6 months. All born in Liverpool.


Loos Memorial, France
Photographs Courtesy of Pierre Vandervelden



Private M2/118941, Army Service Corps, 605th M.T. Coy.
died 08/01/1916, aged 37.
Son of the late John Jones (Surgeon) and his wife Frances, of Cowes, Isle of Wight; husband of Florence Marion Jones, of 71, Moscow Drive, Stoneycroft, Liverpool. Attd. to First special Service Column, British Adriatic Mission.
Remembered at Hollybrook Memorial, Southampton, England.
Edwin was born in Somersham, Cambridge, enlisted Chester, and resided Liverpool.
Died at Sea.
1911 Census. 23 Grafton Road, Bedford.
Frances (mother) 64, Private Means, Widowed, born Yarmouth, Isle of Wight. Children Edwim Fryer 32, Electrical Engineer, born Somersham, Florence Marion Jones 32 (wife of Edwin) born Liverpool, (married 2 years) Wilfred Iberson 26, Rancher, born Cowes, I of Wight,Edgmore Fanny 24, Teacher of Music, born Cowes, I of Wight, Hester Mary 1 (Granddaughter of Frances, Niece of Edwin), born Trefriw, Carnarvon, Wales.
1901 Census. Boarding at 74 St Annes Road, Rotherham.
Edwin F Jones 22, Elecrtical Engineer Apprentice, born Somersham.
1891 Census. 110 Foster Hill Road, Bedford, Bedfordshire.
Frances (mother) 44, born Yarmouth, Widowed. Children Edwin F 12, born Somersham, Harold 10, born West Cowes, Hampshire, Wilfred 6, born West Cowes, Hampshire, Edgarda 4, born West Cowes, Hampshire.
1881 Census. Birmingham Road, Northwood, Hampshire.
John (father) 40, General Practitioner of Medicine M.R.C.A.L.P.S, born Norfolk, Frances 23, born Yarmouth. Children Edwin F 2, born Somersham, Harols S 5 months, born West Cowes, Hampshire.

Hollybrook Memorial, Southampton, England.
Photograph Courtesy of WW1cemeteries.com



Air Mechanic 1st Class 231157, Royal Air Force.
died 25/02/1919, aged 31.
Husband of Agnes Grace Jones, of 6, Woodgreen Rd., Stoneycroft, Liverpool.
Remembered at Stanley (St Anne) Churchyard, England.
1901 Census. 105 Saxony Road, Liverpool.
William E (father) 44, born Anglesea, Wales, Sarah J (mother) 39, born Denas Holine, Merionethshire, Wales. Children Thomas M 16, Clerk, 39, born Denas Holine, Merionethshire, Wales, Edward P 13, 39, born Denas Holine, Merionethshire, Wales, William A 9, born Liverpool, David J N 6, born Liverpool.
1891 Census. 4 Teck Street, Liverpool.
William E (father) 32, Insurance Clerk, Sarah J (mother) 29, Thomas M 6, Edward P 3. Also listed Anne Jones 50 (mother of Sarah J.) born Merionethshire, Wales.

Edward's grave in St. Anne's churcyard



Private 17799, The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment, 6th Bn.
died 12/12/1917, aged 39.
Son of Evan and Fanny Jones, of Liverpool.
Remembered at Baghdad (North Gate) War Cemetery, Iraq.
John was born and enlisted in Liverpool.
Died Mesopotamia.
1901 Census. 19 Empire Street, Liverpool.
Evan (father) 53, Coal Dealer, Fanny (mother) 52. Children John 21, Painter, Thomas 16, Apprentice Slater, Frances 14. All born in Liverpool.
1891 Census. 19 Empire Street, Liverpool.
Evan (father) 45, Coal Dealer, Fanny (mother) 42. Children Henry 13, John 11, Yhomas B 6, Frances 4. Also listed Fanny Richardson 67 ( mother of Fanny ) born Sheffield.
1881 Census. 95 Rishton Street, Liverpool.
Evan (father) 39, Syphon Manufacturer, Fanny (mother) 32. Children Henry 3, John 1.

Baghdad ( North Gate ) War Cemetery, Iraq.
Photograph Courtesy of WW1cemeteries.com





Private 1334, South Lancashire Regiment, 3rd Bn. died 09/05/1915, aged 19. Son of Mrs. Sarah Jones, of 7, Derby St., Stanley, Old Swan, Liverpool. Remembered at Larch Wood ( Railway Cutting ) Cemetery, Belgium.
James was born and enlisted in Liverpool. Killed in action France and Flanders.
1911 Census. 1 Derby St, Old Swan, Liverpool. Isaac ( father ) 50, Corporation Labourer, Sarah ( mother ) 60 ( married 22 years ) Children William Johnson 33, Labourer ( Isaac's son from previous marriage ) Mary 18, Labourer, James 15, Labourer. All born in Liverpool.
1901 Census. 1 Derby Street, Liverpool. Isaac ( father ) 40, Labourer Cattle Market, Sarah ( mother ) 50. Children Ellen L 21, Sarah E 12, Mary 8, James E E 5. All born in Liverpool.

Larch Wood (Railway Cutting) Cemetery, Belgium.
Photograph Courtesy of WW1cemeteries.com



Private 22741, The King's (Liverpool Regiment) 20th Bn. died 30/07/1916. Remembered at Thiepval Memorial, France.
John was born, enlisted and resided in Liverpool. Killed in action France and Flanders.

Thiepval Memorial, France
Photograph Courtesy of WW1cemeteries.com



Private 359381, The King's (Liverpool Regiment) 1st/10th Bn.
died 24/08/1918, aged about 21.
Remembered at Conde-Sur-L'escaut Communal Cemetery, France.
William was born, enlited and resided in Liverpool.
Died France and Flanders.
William is listed on St Anne's school war memorial.
1911 Census. 1 Swan St, Old Swan, Liverpool.
Francis (father) 42, Wheelwright, Edith (mother) 36 (married 20 years) Children Nellie 18, Biscuit Works, Edith 16, Dressmaker, William 14, Office Boy, Marion 11, Walter 9, Edward 7, Henry 4. All born in Liverpool.

Conde-Sur-L'escaut Communal Cemetery, France.
Photograph Courtesy of WW1cemeteries.com