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Chotĕboř Youth Chamber Orchestra

Since 2001, St. Anne's choir has had an association with Žako Youth Chamber orchestra who are based in the music school in Chotĕboř, Czech Republic. We have made three very successful choir tours in Czech Republic performing with the orchestra and they have visited us here in Liverpool and performed with us in our church as well as other venues such as Liverpool cathedral and even a pop up performance in Liverpool 1 shopping centre.
As well as performing with them, we have enjoyed visiting some wonderful parts of their country. Below are some photos from our previous visits.

Singing in the church of the Assumption in Havlíčkův Brod, 2004


The choir outside Želiv monastery, 2004

Members of the choir and orchestra in Havlíčkův Brod, 2007

End of our international football match, 2007

Old Town Square, Prague, 2015