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Saint Anne

About Saint Anne

The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne

The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne
Leonardo da Vinci

Saint Anne, the mother of Mary and wife of Saint Joachim

Their Feast Day is on 26th July

Saint Anne is the Patron Saint of Christian mothers, women in childbirth and of Canada.

Saint Joachim is the Patron Saint of fathers.


Collect for Saint Anne's day

Lord God of Israel, who bestowed such grace on Anne and Joachim that their daughter Mary grew up obedient to your word and made ready to be the mother of your Son: help us to commit ourselves in all things to your keeping and grant us the salvation you promised to your people; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

St. Anne's, Boži Dar, Czech Republic